Week of March 9th, 2009

3/14 (Sat) - Blowflex / 2 mile run outside
3/15 (Sun) - Abs 1/2/3 - 3 mile run outside (definetly felt it in both hip joints)

3 /16 (Mon) - Blowflex (evening)
3/17 (Tues) - 3.5+ miles run outside - (felt great w/ little right hip joint pain)
3/18 (Wed) - Abs 1/2/3 - Blowflex
3/19 (Thu) - 3+ miles run-outside - (flippin joint- cold out too)
3/20 (Fri) - Blowflex
3/21 (Sat) - Abs 1/2/3 - 3 miles outside
3/22 (Sun) - 4 miles run outside

Total for week 13.5 miles.
Disappointing but I have to remember I'm still healing.

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