Week of June 22, 2009

6/22 (Mon) - abs 1,2,3; 3.2 mile run
6/23 (Tues) - Blowflex; 5 mile run
6/24 (Wed) - abs 2 & 4; 2.5 mile run
6/25 (Thu) - abs 1 & 2; Blowflex
6/26 (Fri) - 3 mile run & heavy yard work
6/27 (Sat) - loaded a lot of firewood / yardwork
6/28 (Sun)- abs 4; 4 mile run

Total miles for the week: 17.7 miles
**we had a very bad storm on Thu night, resulting in down trees in the neighborhood, goods & I did a lot of heavy cleanup this week

Week of June 15, 2009

6/15 (Mon) - abs 1; 4.4 mile run
6/16 (Tues) - abs 2, 3; 4.8 mile run
6/17 (Wed) - abs 3 & 4; blowflex
6/18 (Thu) - 4.5 mile run
6/19 (Fri) - 3 mile run
6/20 (Sat) - abs 3 & 4; blowflex
6/21 (Sun)- 4 mile run

Total miles for the week: 20.7 miles

recap - yes my rhj still pains me, sometimes more then other times - what is wrong?

Week of June 8th, 2009

6/8 (Mon) - Blowflex ; 3.5 mile run
6/9 (Tues) - 4 mile run
6/10 (Wed) - Abs 3,4 ; 5.25 mile run
6/11 (Thu) - Rest day, but not really- did a lot of manual labor for Goods
6/12 (Fri) - Abs 4; Blowflex; 3 mile run
6/13 (Sat) - 3 mile run (at least, I forget)
6/14 (Sun)- Abs 1; Blowflex

Total miles for the week: 18.75 miles

6/8 - rhj feeling much better - MOTRIN!

Week of June 1, 2009

6/1 (Mon) - Blowflex; 3 mile WALK! walking is resting for me.
6/2 (Tues) - Abs 1,2,4 ; 5.7 mile run
6/3 (Wed) - Blowflex; 2.7 mile run (rhj hurts)
6/4 (Thu) - Abs 1,2,3,4 ; day of rest for sore hip
6/5 (Fri) - 3 mile run - OUCH
6/6 (Sat) - Blowflex
6/7 (Sun)- Abs 1,4

Total miles for the week: 11.4 run / 3 mile walk

6/1- after all the running last week and yardwork, my RHJ is quite tender- I think the walk help stretch it out.
6/2 - had shin splints from walking yesterday- normal for me. Didn't bother me when I ran.
6/7 - I really have to rest my rhj, I'm having a lot of pain - totally sucks